The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Uncompahgre Field Office is seeking public comments on the Ridgway Comprehensive Travel Management Plan Environmental Assessment (EA). The Ridgway Travel Management Planning Area is approximately 1,086 public land acres, located about two miles northeast of Ridgway. A 45-day public comment period is intended to allow the public to review the proposed action and make additional comments.
The Uncompahgre Field Office initiated the travel planning process in spring of2012. Since that time, the BLM staff has been working on an EA that analyzes 4 alternatives for an inter-connecting trail system on public lands managed by the BLM. The BLM is seeking additional public comment on the 4 alternatives through February 1, 2013.
Planning documents are available for review at the Montrose Public Lands Center, 2505 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO, as well as on-line at the Uncompahgre Field Office Travel Management website ... ement.html.
The public may submit written comments on the Ridgway Travel Management Plan by mailing them to the BLM Uncompahgre Field Office, ATTN: Ridgway Travel Management, 2465 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, Colorado 81401; by fax to (970) 240-5368; or by e-mail to
For further information, contact the Montrose Public Lands Center front desk at (970) 240-5300; Julie Jackson, Outdoor Recreation Planner, at (970) 240-5310, or send an email to