Yep, I usually do just that. This is also probably a good time to remind everyone that those Texas-Off Highway Vehicle program decals expire at the end of this month! They are required for any Texas off-road area that receives goverment funding, such as EDRA and Barnwell.
As for me:
Visit a Texas state park - I'd love to hit up Big Bend, not sure if that's going to be in the next year or not. but I'll be an optimist on this one.
Enjoy a nature-based activity (like birding, biking, hiking, kayaking or wildlife watching) - I'm pretending Off-Raoding/camping counts
Make a donation to Texas Parks and Wildlife - I do this here & there, as-is
Share my photo or story to inspire others to go outside - We do this pretty regularly anyway
Invite others to become an Ambassador - This thread.