Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 4:05 pm
Irving, off of Highway 360. <br>"360 isn't worth the ticket risk now. Gilmer looks to be the best bet in northeast Texas." - GJarret <br>"360 while still being used, they are still ticketing. One of my co-workers was ticketed leaving one weekend. - offcamber <br>"360 is 'closed' and has always been 'closed'. Every couple of years the cops beat their chests and run people out of there. This latest was because of idiots dumping stolen cars down by the river. They have posted No Trespassing signs at the Highway, but there are ways in where you never encounter the signs. <br> Also, they started running a commuter trail on the tracks on the north side of the property, so they are STRICTLY enforcing the jumping of the tracks. That's like a 500 dollar fine. <br>There are people out there every weekend. But as with any private property, beware." - DMiller <p><a href="http://Demon4x4.com/Mudd">My Truck</a><br><a href="http://Demon4x4.com">Demon4x4.com</a><br><a href="http://Explorer4x4.com">Explorer4x4.com</a><br><a href="http://www.texplorers.rockcrawler.com">TEXplorers.com</A></p><i></i>