We've got the tranny up into place with the shifter on it. We had to grind about 6 square centimeters of material from the bellhousing adapter to get it to fit around the aftermarket headers I have. We had to grind some of the exhaust flange and some of the bellhousing as well. Getting the rest of the exhaust on is going to be an issue. The atlas is set up witht he shifters and is ready to be raised into position. We have to get some flexible cooler lines from the parts store today, as well as some transmission fluid. I am leaving the 1310 yokes that came with the atlas installed for now, since that is the same joint that is used in the stock explorer driveshaft. I will just be removing the flange from te transfer case side of the rear drive shaft to allow the exposed ujoint to mate directly to the atlas 1310 yoke. Luckily I have some 1310 ubolts in my trail repair kit, so we'll at least be able to hook up the rear driveshaft. If we can find a nother set of ubolts we can hook up the front as well. The tranny crossmember will work with a few modifications.
It sure is going to be nice being able to use an actual shifter for my tranny, and not having to crawl under the truck to engage 4wd.

We're still here in Victoria in case anyone wanted to come and visit
If we don't get it finished by tomorrow, then I'll be driving around in Amanda's blue eggmobile (oldsmobile silhouette) for a while. She went off to school in Jersey, and left her van. I may be using that for a daily driver for a while regardless.