Welcome to the Demon4x4 forums.
If you have registered for the forums and are not able to see very many categories, please [url=mailto:admin@demon4x4.com]email me[/url] or post in the thread, and let me know what you would like to have access to. We have two basic groups: Wheelers and Gamers. Once added to one of these groups you will be able to see the corresponding categories. You may, of course, sign up for both.
As far as rules and regulations go, there are not many.
1. Language is largely uncensored. Posters are allowed to use profanity. If that bothers you, look elsewhere.
2. The board is relatively work-safe, as far as imagery goes. We have a dedicated forum for things that are not work-safe, This is a limited access forum that requires your request for viewing. Therefor, it is very easy for you to avoid non-work-safe imagery if you so desire. I will move topics that I deem non-work-safe friendly to this forum, at my sole discretion.
3. Spamming is not permitted in any form. Your membership status will be revoked if I deem your posts as spam.
4. If you desire to sell merchandise or services through this forum, you must contact me to be given Vendor status, and we will work out the terms. Vendor status will enable you to be able to post in the Vendor forum. Terms, as well as acceptance, will be determined at my sole discretion.
That's about it for rules. Don't piss me off, and you won't get banned.