Had a couple of Austin-based Jester King's brews last night in preparation for the Anniversary party on the 26th. This brewery definitely has some bad ass looking labels.
RU-55 - This is a brand new one, just released. The bottle that I got at the Flying Saucer wasn't even labeled. Very sour, and thick. Almost tasted like a wine. Definitely a sipper. I didn't really care much for it, to be honest.
Commercial Suicide - This one was served from a cask at the Flying Saucer. As you know, anything from a cask has a certain 'flatness' to it's taste. This one was slightly smoky. I'm not usually a fan of smokiness, but this one was subtle enough to be good.
Gotlandsdricka - Wow, this one is smoky as hell. Definitely a sipper. It was pretty flavorful and has a lot going on in there. But, as mentioned, I'm not really a fan of the smoky beers, so far.
Black Metal - Wow, my favorite of those tasted by far. Thick, and dark Imperial Stout. Already picked up a second bottle of this one.