I am ready to spit nails!
It started with an accident I had earlier this month, I made a u-turn and another driver made it into the lane I turned into and I tore a gash in his mercedes. The guy proceeds to call the cops and have them come and write an accident report. So I am standing out in the cold freezing while this guy gripes about how much value his vehicle lost and how expensive it was... yada yada. In any case the deputy shows up and issues me a citation for failure to yield (Strike 1!). Next up I find out from my insurance agent that the guy is now filing a personal injury claim against my policy (low speed impact, yeah right) (Strike 2!), and today I found after taking the day off from work to go to court that the officer never turned in the original citation to the sheriff's office and I wound up tracking it down to figure out what the hell happened. To top if off the officer, after neglecting to do her job in the first place (she had two weeks to turn it in) and making me chase it down, decides to go through with the ticket! (Strike 3!)