Are you kidding? I'd love the stack, not practical for club bidness, but still.
anyways as promised....
more photos here.....on the phone ain't gonna link each one. Or Randall can fix it...I've noticed he sometimes likes to do that too. ... rary/grillLike i said my plan was to demonize it with fresh paint...maybe update the grates the cook ones are ok, but the charcoal ones have always been too low imo. Not enough air flow/room for ash away with the little cart for a receiver mount type setup, with legs that compacted down for transit,add some more'latching' for a more secure transit as far as doors etc....are concerned. And the little 'counter top' was going to be changed for one of lexan/metal/&maybe wood that folded down for would've been cut out and back lit thru the lexan an wired as a 3rd brake light....oh and perhaps sure up the fire box for transit, i hadn't investigated that possible need yet tho.
BUT, time i have little of & you seem to be itching for the project...besides with this one gone I'll have more incentive to build my new one. Don't get me wrong there's nothing really wrong with this one, 'combos' arn't the best smokers in the first place....otherwise it's just a matter of not fitting my cooking style. I don't really smoke, or much as grill indirectly save the sear....
idk lmk i have money too if you find something else